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We will be there with you
every step of the way!
Tutoring Methods:
Personalized / Individualized - By answering these free self-assessment questionnaires prior our free 30 Minute Tutoring Consultation, we could personalize and individualize our goals to what you want to achieve in this tutoring session.
Comprehensive - We will look at other factors to make sure that you will be able to gain the necessary skills to learn on your own as much as possible. We will consider your physical, socio-emotional, cognitive, and spiritual (when warranted) growth and development
Theory to Practice - We will base our tutoring services on solid theoretical foundations that we get to apply and hope that you get to learn on your own as well. We will base our practice on latest research on student success and study skills, counseling, and psychology (i.e. Sport Psychology / Industrial and Organizational Psychology, etc.).
Practical - By identifying what works for you and your situation, then we will make our tutoring experience to be as meaningful and useful to you.
Process Based and Progressive - Though the final product is important, the actual process on how we actually meet your desired goals will be the focus and given more importance for this will assist you achieve your future goals. With this approach, then we will continously find ways to improve accordingly.
Positive and Constructive - Based on Appreciative Inquiry, we will determine what has already worked for you and develop our tutoring services based on these strengths of yours.
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